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Customer Testimonials
"The counter tops look extremely nice. The job was done on time, all the mess cleaned up and the price unbeatable. I will be using E J & D again." -Cheryl L.
"Very Beautiful! We are so happy with the work, the workers attitude, the clean up and everything. Thanks so very much".
-Barbara W.
"Guillermo & wife did a very good job. Very Personable guys. I am very pleased with the work"
-Patsy S.
"Guillermo & his team did a great job and very fast very pleased!!"
-Josh M.
You did a great job! Thank you! we will be recommending you to everyone!"
-Sarah and James
"We, as a local family owned business, understand time is a precious thing so we will dedicate time to our customers’ needs and support customers’ dreams. And our CEO Guillermo López has 30 years experience."
E. J. & D. Granite & Marble of New Mexico
134 Lower Las Colonias Rd
El Prado, NM 87529
Taos County, USA
Website by Taos Games